Only Love

Only Love

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 11, 2011 - 011111

Good Numbers today!
I am feeling the best I have felt in a few days!  Being here with Mooji and Mt. Aruncachula there is a bit of purging going on.... I thought I was done!  I am so kidding really I am.  Humour is a good thing.  I had an Ayruvadic Massage today - 2 hours!!! I entered bliss... I have booked myself in again. 

Tomorrow I will meet with a women at the age of 75 has organized housing for the widows of India! Can you imagine starting this at her age... she is truly being guided and making a difference. Please check out her web site! I will meet some of the widow's, see what they have made to sell to assist in supporting them.

I have uploaded pictures again but still on facebook! 

One Heart, One Spirit, On Love


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where ever you go There you are...

Well I think I have figured out this blog thing... If not please feel free to share any tips you may have!
It has been an experience after an experience... India has it's own energy, love and more....
We - Mary, Nonie & I arrived in Pondicherry (now spelled differently) in the early morning 6 am. Had a four hour lay over in the Hong Kong airport and this to was at night.  Did not see Hong Kong... Once we arrived in the Chennai Airport it was a three hour cab ride to Patricia's Guest House.  We spent 3 days in Pondicherry it is beautiful there and a city!  Our first introduction to HONKING lol... Lots of my first photo's are of Pondicherry and unfortunately they are up on Facebook still have to figure how to put them up on here.  :(  Patience :)
It has been an adjustment in many ways - let the worry go about food, water and mosquitoes....  They had my ankles to start but I was informed they may have been flees :)  I am not bothered by them anymore so this is good.  Beautiful hearts, eyes to the souls and plenty of love.  Of course there is a mixture of all things here as you may or may not know it is one of the most deprived parts of India. Everyone keeps moving regardless.
There are a lot of westerners here right now so it is busy!   Visited the Ramana Ashram straight away and sat through Puja - This brought one straight into the heart - A huge opening which I simply cannot put words too.  Being here where Sri Ramana Maharshi lived, with all his devotes, sadus and  the most important his teachings.  We all are here daily sometimes up and here by 5.30 for Puja.
Also visited the AHAM Ashram and so much emotion here as this is where A. Ramana left his body.  He was a teacher, enlightened one and continued the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  A beautiful place with a clear view of the mountain.   My body felt like electricity...moving through my chest, my arms and my hands.  Some days it is my feet and it feels like I can't feel my feet or it is like I am missing them...  Spent a day here in with fellow graduates of AHAM Programs.  Special day of sharing, singing, sitting in A. Ramana's room a presence there that just takes you. xo

It is hard to believe two weeks has gone by already... It is really strange it feels like we have been here for months already.  We have had the gift of seeing Mooji - as we arrived he pulled up at his home (are neighbor)  His big smile is a wonderful welcome.  We have gone to his satsangs and he is a beautiful being, sharing with absolute truth, honesty and so real!

Sue has been a gracious host in her home and it is so comfortable. Sharing a kitchen, have two bathrooms and all have our own beds.  Some beds a little harder than others ....  We are all being with this... Inquiring....
We have filtered water at the house and this is a gift!

We have had a visit with Elizabeth and we shall all travel around the mountain tomorrow... Also, will be climbing up the mountain and not to sure as of when.  Mary, Sue and Nonie went up to the first cave and shared this experience with me.  Unfortunately my body was going through something... one rough night... They sense of nausea has not left me completely yet.  It comes and goes... Eating minimally as this is what the body is telling me. Lots of water it is important....  

For the humour side of things - I think I shall write a book on my experiences of toilets lol.....  I love this little clothes that you add water too which have saved me!  It is all good here and feel so blessed to be here.

Need to go now but will be back...
I want to share with you how much I LOVE ALL OF YOU!  This is all we have is love anything else causes separation.
